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Man's Eating Stone

Once upon a time, there lived a couple, named Pak Kantan and Mak Tanjung in Bukit Berakit that was located in Selangor. They were very poor and lived in a small wooden house. The house had a room, a living room and a kitchen. It is too small for them. But they were very grateful to have a house for them to shelter of. Their house was too far from others as they lived at the end of the village. So, they faced some difficulties to go to the city and bought some household things. Then, they decided to use all the things surround them to live. They could get anything they wanted as they lived in the forest. Pak Kantan worked as a farmer and he loved hunting very much while Mak Tanjung helped her husband by doing all the chores in the house. Every morning, Pak Kantan would go to the forest accompanied by his wife. His wife would wake up early in the morning to make food and drink as a lunch pack for her husband. 

One day, Pak Kantan was going to the forest at the back of his house accompanied by his wife as usual. Pak Kantan wanted to hunt birds and dears because he wanted to sell them at the market. They went there early in the morning because it was a suitable time for them to catch the birds and dears. The animals would go out in the morning to find their predators. Pak Kantan already prepared traps for dears. After that, Pak Kantan shot the birds. Suddenly, they heard a haunted sound. Mak Tanjung was very scared with that sound.

“Where the sound comes? It sounds very haunted.” asked Mak Tanjung to her husband.

“My dear, that sound comes from that way. It is from a stone.” said Pak Kantan.


After that, they went back to their home. Pak Kantan got a dear and five birds and he wanted to sell them at the market.


After five years, they got a daughter, Melur and a son, Pekan. Melur was two years older than Pekan. She was very beautiful as the sunset. She had a long-straight hair with rounded face. However,  his father died during hunting in the forest when Pekan was two years old. Mak Tanjung became a widow and they needed to survive for living. The difficulties caused Mak Tanjung started to work to earn money for their life. Mak Tanjung worked as a cleaner at their neighbours’ house. She also caught fish for their food.


One morning, Mak Tanjung went for fishing at a nearby river in  her house area. She waited for a long time from morning until noon. She hoped that she would get a fish. At noon, she was very excited because she got a big fish and there was a fish egg in it. She craved for the egg. She thought for the delicious of egg if she cooked it. She went home and asked Melur to cook the fish and fry the egg.

“Melur, come here. Take this. I want you to cook this fish and then fry the egg,” said Mak Tanjung to her daughter.

“Alright Mom,” said Melur.

“But, remember to save a part of the egg to me. I want to go to forest to find firewood. Ask you brother to eat first if I late,” told her mother.

“Okay Mom. Take care, bye,” said Melur.

After that, Melur continued her work by doing house chores while Pekan was playing at their house yard. The yard was very large for Pekan to play ball. While doing her work, Melur cooked curry for the fish and then she fried the egg for their dinner. After finished, she saved a part from her cooking for her mother. Then, she served the dishes. She asked Pekan to have their lunch. Melur gave a part of the eggs to Pekan and some for herself. Then, they ate together. Melur asked Pekan to eat the rice because she saw Pekan just ate the eggs. But, Pekan refused to eat rice because of the egg’s delicious. It was the first time for Pekan to eat this fish egg.

Suddenly, Pekan asked for additional eggs. Melur gave her part to Pekan but, Pekan still asked for some more.

“I want Mom’s egg. This egg was too delicious. Please give the egg to me,” said Pekan.

“I cannot give it to you. That is Mom’s,” told Melur to his brother.

Then, Pekan ran to the kitchen and took the egg in the pot. Melur was so shocked and afraid when she saw Pekan ate that egg. Pekan ate the egg like he did not remember his mother. She did not know what to do. She scolded Pekan because of his behaviour. Melur thought how she wanted to face her mother. She did not know how to tell her mother about the egg.   


In the evening, Mak Tanjung went home and asked Melur to serve food for her. Melur only followed her mother’s instruction. She realized that Melur did not serve the egg. Mak Tanjung woke up from her seating and went to the kitchen. She looked into the pot. There was nothing left in the pot. She asked Melur where the rest of the egg. Melur was very shocked when Mak Tanjung called her name. She ran to her mother.

“Where is the rest of the egg that I asked you to save for me,” asked Mak Tanjung to Melur.

“Errr...Mom, actually Pekan ate all the egg. I had saved it for you but, Pekan took it without my permission. I am sorry,” said Melur while crying.


Mak Tanjung was very disappointed with her children. She craved the egg since her husband died, but she did not have luck in found the egg when she caught the fish except that day.

“Both of you do not love me anymore. How could you eat without remember left just a little for me. I am craving for it,” said Mak Tanjung while crying.

“Sorry, Mom. Please forgive us. We promise we don't do it again. Please forgive us,” struggled Melur and Pekan.

“Both of you dpn't love me. I will go to the forest and ask the stone to eat me,” said Mak Tanjung.

Then, Mak Tanjung ran out from her house and go into the forest. Melur and Pekan were chasing behind  while begging their mother to go back to their house. Her mother just ignored them and ran faster as she could while calling the stone to open the mouth. Melur and Pekan missed at the back as they could not run as fast as their mother. Before Mak Tanjung entered the stone, she left her milk for Pekan in a yam leaf. Then, she ran and let the stone ate her.



Suddenly, Melur and Pekan heard a loud sound from the stone. They then saw their mother’s hair at the mouth’s stone. They realized that their mother already died. Both of them cried loudly and regretted for their mistakes. They cried until they fall asleep in front of the stone.

Theme of the story


We have to love and obey to our mother. 

Moral of the story


Suarakayangan. (July 29, 2011). Al Kisah Cerita Dongeng Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup. Retrieved July 2, 2012, from



Wikipedia. (n.d). Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup. Retrieved July 10, 2012, from


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